Entrepreneurial Funding
IGNITE Grant Program
The Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ) launched the Innovation Grant from New Ideas to Entrepreneurship (IGNITE) program in 2015 with J$75M budget to support micro and small enterprises. IGNITE provided funding of J$1M to J$4M to 27 entrepreneurs over 18 months for innovative business ideas. The DBJ partnered with the various agencies to channel grant funds, provide coaching and mentorship, and project management support. IGNITE stimulated economic growth, created jobs, and facilitated a total of $218M in revenues and $389M in total investments.

IGNITE Grant Program
This is an intense 54-hour event, during which potential entrepreneurs will be empowered with the skills and tools relevant to start up a sustainable business focusing on clean technology solutions to impact climate change.

Subheading 1
Launchit GreenTech is the first green technology focused accelerator in the Caribbean designed to promote the growth and development of clean technology companies across the region. As a GreenTech entrepreneur, you face new challenges every day. Whether it’s determining the sustainability of your idea, deciding how you’re going to penetrate new markets or figuring out how you’re going market your product, it seems at times you find yourself wishing you have an instruction manual for your business.